Rachel Phillips is an artist working on the San Francisco Bay Area. She creates transfer prints on vintage envelops from her studio, “a cozy little work space” she says.
It’s so original and interesting the way she incorporates images onto real old vintage envelops and postcards with such maturity. Rachel says that most of her professional success is due to what she’s learned at Stanford University where she studied photography.
Before making a transfer print, Rachel starts by looking through the old envelops and postcards that she’s collected and waits to see which one “speaks” to her. It can be the handwriting or the stamps or the shape and color of the envelope.
Once the envelope is chosen she goes through the images she has and pairs a photograph with that particular envelope. First the image is printed on a transparency film and then transferred through a wet transfer process – which involves the use of Isoporpyl rubbing alcohol, distilled water and photoflow – which allows her to release the ink from the transparency film and transfer it to the envelope.
Her “HISTORIC PROCESS / CONTEMPORARY VISIONS” exhibition can be seen here in Miami at the Dina Mitrani Gallery located at Wynwood Art Distrcit.